
Untying Knots.

      We all know the frustration of trying to untangle a knot from a necklace or a bunch of wires hidden behind furniture. But what about the "knots" of confusion? Do we even know we have those kinds of knots? You know.....the knots that teach us and our children that there are no absolutes...where every thought and action just gets tossed to and fro....and where ever it lands it's just all ok. Many times we say," It's all good". But is it....really?
      Satan attempted to lure Jesus into turning from his heavenly Father's will while in the desert for 40 days. "I'll give you all the authority (that has been given to me) and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me (says Satan) it will be yours." Luke 4:6-7
      God created everything. It all belongs to him. Yes because of the fall of Adam & Eve the evil one has limited authority here temporarily......temporarily. He is the "huge knot" all around us and hides in places and jumps out to cause confusion many times when we least expect it. There is no confusion in what Jesus taught. It's more simple than we realize. We just have to decide if what He says is worth more than trying endlessly to untangle the knots of lies the evil one throws at us.
Jesus said," if you a abide in my word (scripture) you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32
      Dear Lord,Thank you for your written word that is filled with all that you are and all that you desire for us. How could an awesome God leave us without a correct, proper and grace filled instruction manual? You couldn't. You wouldn't and You didn't. Amen

What Happened to Good Old Fashioned Hospitality??

     Hospitality appears to be a thing of the past ... a long forgotten and unused gift.  We no longer think to invite someone to stop by for a cup of coffee.  Our busyness has redefined the simple things ... things that used to be so important like a simple chat with a friend, neighbor or acquaintance.  It has separated us from each other and over time has encouraged us to feed on impatience with ourselves and others.  We just don't have/make the time.

     We are called to live simply, love much and to offer hospitality to others.

     I believe that the place god calls us to is the place where our deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. For me, one of those places is my kitchen table.

Ever Notice that the Scriptures are Full of Declarative Sentences?

     Declarative sentences are pretty much cut and dry. There's not much room for debate.  In our frailty we make what God says into something it was never meant to be. We are the ones that take His simplicity and turn it into a heap of confusion.  Simple obedience to God is a choice ... sometimes not an easy one.  In the end it gifts us with freedom and peace ... the kind we yearn for deep within our person ... the kind we dare not reveal to anyone else. We just have to learn to trust him a little bit more each day.
     Thank you Lord for for opening my eyes wider and wider everyday ... and enabling me to see what you want me to see.
     "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.  Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not serve to the right or left, keep your foot from evil."
                                                                                                            Submitted by: Susan Pussilano